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Asheville Beer

Meet Jacob Haslow, the creator of Asheville Beer Scene

It all started in 2005 when I was 19 years old.  Being new to Asheville, I happily accepted an invitation to go out to eat with some newly aquired friends.  We ended up at a pub downtown.  My new friend said, "Why don't we get some beer? Smithwick's is good; I'll order a pitcher."  The pitcher came, he poured a glass for me, and I gladly acceped it and began imbibing.  I kid you not, the very next question out of his mouth was, "So how old are you guys?"  My sister happily said 21 and I sheepishly said 19.  Suddenly my beer was removed and for the next few years I was teased mercilessly for my presumptious behavior.  Unaffected by his rebuff, my curiosity about beer only grew, especially as I came of age.


After sampling the great selection of locally brewed craft beer, I was inspired to begin brewing myself.  So in 2008, I started homebrewing (at the more appropriate age of 22) and I haven't stopped since.  Asheville has been deemed Beer City, USA multiple times because of the amazing beer scene going on here, and this is what made me as supremely interested in beer as I very much am today.  The next logical thing to do was to share my passion about tasting new beers, trying all the local breweries, and maybe even to impart a little bit of homebrewing knowledge with you.  Enjoy!

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